Tweets and Tweaks

The most depressing thing about being a web designer/developer is that you spend all day making websites for other people. Your own little corner of the Internet gets neglected and all spider-webby. The web is rapidly developing with new tricks, techniques and opportunities. Rather than redesigning my whole website (which you should rarely, if ever do) I’ve made a few new tweaks!


I’m a big fan of twitter. It’s great for self-promotion, news, freebies, interesting links, chat, and finding the one customer service employee who still cares. With that in mind I thought I’d give it more prominence on my site, see the twitter bird in the top right - thanks to @smashingmag for the free graphic! It’s also an experimental exercise in call-to-action and conversion. I’m hoping my follower count will soar compared to the old text link (we’ll see).

I’ve made the search box on my portfolio site a lot more subtle. No more clunky “default UI” button now. Instead, an elegant inline search icon inspired by Apple :) This cosmetic change balances the visual hierarchy more effectively. It’s not like anyone needs to search my site anyway!

Wish List

If I ever find more time in 2010 there is so much more I’d like to do. Rewriting the whole thing in HTML 5 would be nice. For now though these two minor changes will suffice ‘cos they’ve been nagging me for ages. Now that I think about it, I wonder how it all looks on my iPhone…

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