Blog (page 4)

XML Streamify

I’ve only gone and published an XML parsing library! It’s called XML Streamify on GitHub and it works like this: This example outputs blog post titles from my RSS feed. The parse function is an async generator in front of a custom TransformStream. parse will yield nodes as the XML document if fetched as parsed. This allows you to […]

The Final Off-Canvas Navigation: Revisited

So I may have used the word “final” rather ambitiously when I blogged “The Final Off-Canvas Navigation?” two years ago. At least I left the door open with a question mark? I’ve since made big changes to the implementation. The New (New) Version Checkout my new demo on CodePen. All the good stuff remains like focus state, keyboard […]

Storage APIs: Downloading Files for Offline Access

In my ongoing adventure to build a personal media web app I keep finding new web APIs to make it more awesome. I’ve adopted the Internationalization API for natural sorting and relative dates and the Media Session API for native integration. Next I’m improving my use of file storage APIs to download and cache audio files […]

Adios Netlify!

I’m moving my website hosting from Netlify to Cloudflare Pages! If you can read this I was successful. If not… oh dear! I first tried Netlify back in January 2020. I wrote some first impressions and experimented with Netlify functions. I initially planned to host projects on both Netlify and Cloudflare for a few weeks before […]

A Very Helpful API

Two years ago I built my own experimental media server + web app. It plays audiobooks and podcasts. Earlier this year I rewrote meSonic² from scratch. I corrected old bugs and design flaws in favour of new bugs and design flaws. I rewrote the SvelteKit front-end. I coded an audio duration module to remove a big […]

VPN Containers (Part 2)

I recently wrote about “Docker VPN and Proxy Containers” to provide easy VPN access for containers and other software. For the last few months my setup used Protonwire and a Go Socks5 proxy. This combination had issues. Protonwire moved away from the now deprecated ProtonVPN CLI. The new official CLI “doesn’t run on headless servers” which […]

WordPress 6.3; breaking decades of CSS!

I dread WordPress updates. I’ve long bemoaned the Gutenberg problem. There are so many issues with Gutenberg — quite literally — that it’s impossible to encapsulate them all into a single cry for help. WordPress Breaks CSS The latest WordPress 6.3 ships with breaking CSS changes that can easily mess up existing themes and introduce visual bugs. In fact, […]

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