Blog (page 5)

Adventures in Windows and Proxmox Virtualisation

Occassionally I need to jump into Windows (I know, eww). As a Mac user the suggested method is to wear a hazmat suit and enter Parallels. But the Parallels license is a rip off with its yearly update nonsense. If you’ve hardware to spare, there are better options! Repurposing Macs Last year I picked up a new MacBook […]

PGP Encrypted Contact Form Emails

It’s time! Time to check off another to-do on the “random dev ideas” list! I have a contact form on my website. It emails the enquirer’s name, email, and message to me using AWS SES (Simple Email Service). You see that? Plain text email! HTML has no place in emails. Old Implementation My static site is currently hosted on […]

Kasm – Web Browsers in Docker

A quick follow up on two previous blog topics: Web Browsers in Docker – March 2021 Docker VPN and Proxy Containers – April 2023 Way back in 2021 I had some success dockerising web browsers. More recently I’ve been realising the utility of VPN containers. This got me thinking, if I were to combine the two ideas I’d […]

SvelteKit and Deno with OAuth and Deploy

I’m a fan of Svelte and SvelteKit. They’re frameworks that work well for both static sites and server-side rendering. The “DX” (developer experience) is way more enjoyable than anything I’ve done with any React framework. I’ve had the opportunity to work on a few SvelteKit projects now. Although I can’t share the specific clients I’ve published […]

Verify Signed Git Commits

I recently wrote about using SSH keys for Git signatures instead of GPG. Signing commits gives you a nice green checkmark on GitHub proving it was you. This week I created new SSH keys using ED25519 instead of RSA. Supposedly better and I reasoned it was time to refresh considering how ancient my RSA keys were. […]

Dev Containers!

Two years ago I wrote about my containment strategy to keep a macOS install clean. For this I built a docker sandbox container with all the build tools I use. This kinda worked but it wasn’t perfect. One issue I kept running into was having to install node_modules both locally and inside the container. Mounting […]

CSS Upgrades – Spring 2023 Edition

Spring is here! Along with new browser updates and CSS features. It’s time to clean up and upgrade this website! Container Queries Container queries are glorious and they’re everywhere! Nothing more to say, they make life so much easier. I’ve added a few to improve responsiveness. Game changer. Colours I’ve moved away from rgb and hsl to oklch with […]

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