Blog (page 7)

Deno Stream Deck

The Stream Deck is a rather pricey keyboard. Each key is a programmable LCD at ~72×72 pixels depending on device. Like all Elgato products, the Stream Deck is designed for broadcasting but can be repurposed for general use. The official Stream Deck software is a drag & drop UI with extensions. For non-techy users it’s well […]

Let me type my ******* password!

Did I miss the “user experience” memo about passwords? I’ve noticed a growing trend in website design that is driving me crazy. It’s actually far from a new trend. It has insideously crept across the web for years and has basically ruined everything. Call me melodramatic but I’m writing this on a Monday and I hate […]


I have a rule of thumb; avoid products and services that advertise on any podcast I listen to. They over hype and under deliver and I always get burnt. This is no more true than with VPNs. So it was a long time before my curiosity got the better of me and I looked into […]

Is Fresh, fresh?

Before I discuss the main topic; a few thoughts on Astro! I love static websites. Static websites are super fast “in the cloud” and “on the edge”. Unfortunately static site generators (SSGs) are not so quick. Astro! To learn Astro I rejiggered my website (the one you’re reading now) to fit into it. Astro seems to be the […]

Availability in July!

Looks like I’m free next month! Do you need anything built? I’m pretty good at all things front-end development. How can I help? Contact me! What have I been up to? I’ve been thinking a lot about static site generators and server side rendering. SSG and SSR. A lot of letters that result in HTML. When done right. I’ve been […]

2022 Things

Hello! I’m still around! Working hard with not a lot to share publicly. I’ve been pondering blog topics but nothing has piqued my interest. There’s plenty of exciting new web standards to explore but every time I enquire about “browser support” the new toys are snatched away! It’s not fair! Yeah, I guess I can support […]

Does WordPress Have a Gutenberg Problem?

WordPress 5.8 shipped a few weeks ago. Release notes should be an exciting read but these filled me with dread. The Gutenberg editor has been a constant thorn in my side. I vented a rather negative tweet that I’ve since deleted. I hope this blog post offers more reasoned criticism to explain my frustrations with […]

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